
Stephen K. Kelly

The College Music Society is pleased to make available to the profession the contents of the session Fact and Value in Contemporary Musical Scholarship held in Vancouver on November 8, 1985. Since the Vancouver meeting represented the first concurrent annual meetings of the American Musicological Society, The College Music Society, the Society for Ethnomusicology, and the Society for Music Theory, it seems especially appropriate that the plenary session with its addresses by the four presidents and respondents be preserved. The addresses and responses naturally reflect different disciplinary agendas and points of view, but attempt also to speak more broadly to the place of the respective disciplines in the context of the whole field of musical scholarship.

As an "umbrella" organization with a membership drawn from the various specialties, The College Music Society hopes that this publication will mark the beginning of a sustained discussion of some of the important issues raised in that memorable session—issues that concern us as both scholars and teachers.

Stephen K. Kelly
Chairman, Publications Committee
The College Music Society